What is Family Law?

If you’re wondering what family law is, you’re not alone. This law applies to many areas of our lives, from divorce to child support. In this article, we’ll go over some of the basics. We’ll also go over the main areas of family law Pasco County, FL

Children’s rights

In every country, children have rights that cannot be taken away. For instance, they have the right to receive the best health care possible and clean water. Children should not be forced to work in hazardous situations and should receive a fair wage. Children should also be protected from harmful drugs and sexual exploitation. Governments should do everything they can to ensure that children are safe and healthy. Children should be given a safe environment and adequate care regardless of age. In the twentieth century, children have increased rights and freedom. In the past, their parents often overlooked or ignored their wishes. 


While divorce is commonly associated with separation, it is also known as marital dissolution. Attorneys specializing in family law practices in California, Santa Clara County, Placerville, Roseville, Sunnyvale, and San Jose handle such matters. In many cases, the most important issue to settle in the place of residence of the couple’s children. A divorce attorney in these areas can help you sort through the complex legal issues that arise during this time.

Couples pursuing a collaborative divorce choose individual attorneys or divorce coaches. These individuals will work together to help the couple reach an agreement without needing a courtroom hearing. The collaborative process emphasizes mutual respect, making discussions more productive and easier to reach. The process also protects the mental health of all parties involved. The collaborative process may be right for your divorce. Learn more about collaborative divorce and how it can work for you.

Child visitation

Modifications to a child visitation order are extremely common in family law. Living situations are bound to change when a court enters an order, and the child turns 18. Although modifications are not always granted, the court retains jurisdiction during this time and can grant them if both parents request them. In addition, modifications may affect child support based on the time the child spends with each parent.

The standard used to determine visitation schedules in family law is the “best interests” test. A parent must prove that the schedule the court has ordered is harmful to the child’s well-being. For instance, abuse in the past or mental illness may cause the court to deny visitation rights. Prison records are not a guarantee for denial, though. Changing the visitation schedule, or even changing the custody agreement, may require a new analysis.

Prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements

Prenuptial and post-nuptial marriage agreements are legal documents between two people before they marry. These documents should be in writing and signed by both parties before a notary. In New York, a post-nuptial agreement cannot be enforced unless both parties have been honest about their assets and liabilities. Additionally, a post-nuptial agreement cannot cover child support and custody issues. A judge must decide these issues at the time of separation or divorce.

A prenuptial or post-nuptial agreement should be legally binding and reviewed regularly by a divorce lawyer. It would help if you also considered the benefits of hiring a lawyer to review your pre-or post-nuptial agreement. 

Child support

Whether a couple is divorcing or going through a divorce, there are many things to understand regarding child support and family law. In New York State, parents can create their child support arrangements. However, it is also important to understand how child support is calculated. In addition to state statutes, the state will publish worksheets that the parties can use to calculate child support. The worksheets will help the parties input their income and expenses to reach a presumptive monthly payment amount. These can vary depending on the unique circumstances of each parent. Although stipulated orders are often acceptable in many cases, hearings are required in some cases. Family law attorneys can help you navigate the maze of child support obligations. Moreover, these attorneys are familiar with all aspects of family law, including divorce, legal separation, and child custody and support. In addition, they can represent you in protective order or contempt proceedings.