How to Hire Helpful Employees

Part of being a business owner is knowing when and how to hire more help. Having a full staff to manage your business’s daily operations can help you to boost profitability, increase customer service, and stay more organized during busy times. Finding good help can be difficult, though, especially if you’ve never had to hire anyone before. There’s only so much you can learn from resumes and interviews, so at some point it will feel like a leap of faith. Even using state-of-the-art tools like an applicant tracking system or web-based background checks can leave wanting to know more about someone. When looking to bring in new employees, consider these tips to make a good decision.

Posting the Job

The position you post can be a big determinant of what types of candidates apply. Before putting anything online or in print, make sure to research roles similar to the one you need filled, so you know what qualities to ask for and familiar phrasing to job seekers. Next, you’ll want to create a straightforward, descriptive job title. Stick to basic phrases like “prep cook” or “software developer” because these will appear in search results more often than titles with unique adjectives. Finally, you’ll need to create a job description that gives candidates a good sense of the position and what you expect. This is a critical step in securing applicants with the necessary skills.

Choosing a Hire

When the resumes start filtering in, you can review them as you receive them. Make a stack for a yes and maybe pile, and don’t worry about the people you know you want to pass on. From there, you can interview the applicants you’re most excited about and hope you find a good fit right away!

Hiring employees can be stressful, but if you know how to attract the right people, the process feels much easier.