10 Benefits of Joining a Community Solar Project

Joining a solar community project can help reduce your energy bills while also helping the environment. If you’re a renter, co-op/condo owner, or live in an area where rooftop solar isn’t feasible, you can still access clean energy through these programs.

You can subscribe to a project for a subscription price, then receive credit on your electric bill. Depending on the program, you can save anywhere from 5 to 15% on your electricity costs.

Cleaner Air

The air we breathe is a huge part of our carbon footprint. It takes energy to grow, produce and ship our food, which also gets released into the atmosphere when burned.

It’s why making the right choices regarding your energy usage is essential. There are ways to lower your utility bills and reduce your environmental impact with little effort.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

By joining a solar community project, you are helping to reduce your carbon footprint and support clean energy.

Unlike traditional electricity companies, these solar projects are powered by sunlight rather than coal, oil, or natural gas.

These projects have the added benefit of providing stable and consistent income for landowners. This is particularly important for rural and agricultural landowners.

Moreover, solar projects can help increase local resilience and protect people from outages due to storms or other natural disasters. Often, these projects pair with microgrids and storage facilities to provide power to subscribers during outages.

Lower Utility Bills

One of the most significant benefits of joining a community solar project is the ability to lower your utility bills. You’ll receive monthly solar credits on your electricity bill from a local community solar farm.

In the U.S., these credits are credited to your electric bill through Universal Consolidated Billing (UCB). They’re applied directly to your account.

Local Jobs

Community solar is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the clean energy industry, and it’s a great way to get involved in your local community. It has many benefits that can help you reduce your carbon footprint, save money on your electricity bills and make a difference in the world.

You’ll also be able to take advantage of the federal solar tax credit when you purchase your share in a solar community project. That can help you deduct 30% of your investment on your next tax declaration.

Energy Independence

When you join a solar community project, you support the development of a new solar farm and reduce your carbon emissions. It also creates jobs in your local area and stimulates the economy.

Across the United States, thousands of projects are now operating or in the process of developing. States and utilities regulate them to ensure they deliver clean energy to consumers in their communities and reduce the dependence on large power plants.

Invest in Your Future

A solar community project is a group effort that allows individuals, businesses, and nonprofits to contribute their money to the grid while receiving tax benefits and output credits.

The best part is that you can do it without the hassle of a loan or lease. A good community solar program will also make your home or business greener and cleaner by reducing your energy bill and carbon footprint. It’s the most innovative way to save money while making a small eco-friendly contribution to your local community.

Tax Benefits

Community solar projects offer access to long-term savings and financial stability for a wide variety of people who couldn’t afford a private solar system. These include renters, students, and other residents of housing communities.

Typically, participants buy or subscribe to kilowatt-hour blocks of renewable energy the project produces at reduced rates. They also gain eligibility for federal tax credits.

No Upfront Cost

When you subscribe to a solar community project, you help bring clean energy to your area. This helps reduce the demand for fossil fuels, reduce greenhouse gases, and lower energy costs.

You also save money on your monthly electric bill, so you can start seeing savings quickly. Typically, annual savings range from 5% to 15%, depending on the project and where you live.

In addition to being an excellent way for consumers to support renewable energy, community solar also creates local jobs. These jobs support the local economy and provide good jobs for people in your neighborhood.


Community solar offers excellent flexibility for those looking to save money on electricity costs, support local renewable energy, and contribute to cleaner air. These programs allow everyone, including renters and co-op/condo owners, to subscribe to a share of a solar farm and start seeing savings.

With a subscription structure, you sign up for a set discount on your electric bill based on how much the solar farm produces. Your savings will vary depending on the model your project uses.

Clean Energy

Community solar is the fastest, easiest way to put more clean energy on your local power grid. Consumers and utilities benefit from lower energy bills, a more robust power grid, and clean energy’s climate and health benefits.

By signing up for a local solar farm, you receive a discount on your electricity costs called “solar credits,” enabled by state-legislated renewable energy incentives. These credits are applied directly to your utility bill, efficiently reducing costs while helping the environment.